WaxMe - Krone


Waxing, that is hair removal with warm wax, has a long history in many cultures.

From the seaside towns in Brazil to the U.S. to Europe – waxing is a popular method for hair removal and many women and men who appreciate their bodies feeling good cannot image life without it. Waxme is the first salon in Trier to focus on hair removal with warm wax and sugar paste.

WaxMe - Krone


During a waxing treatment, warm wax is spread evenly onto a section of the skin. The warm wax adheres to the hairs and removes them from the hair shaft when the wax is pulled off in a quick, fluid motion. This is why the skin remains smooth and hair-free for a particularly long time and waxing – as opposed to shaving – makes the hair grow back softer. It takes several weeks before the hair becomes visible on the skin surface. Regular treatments enhance this effect because waxing disturbs and reduces the growth of hair. As a consequence, it gets easier to remove the hair in future treatments.

WaxMe - Krone


After the treatment the skin is not only hair-free but also smooth and soft because the warm wax opens the pores and has a cleansing and exfoliating effect. This further facilitates the removal of hair.

WaxMe - Krone


The feeling after a waxing treatment is sensational, right?
You don’t know this feeling yet? Trust us and try it!

Visit us in the center of Trier, Jakobsspitälchen 1, just off of Fleischstraße!